belly fat

Mike Darwin asked:
Do you want to know some tips to lose belly fat? Let us start with weight loss programs then. There are so many weight loss programs out there that offer rapid and radical change in your body. Take into consideration the fact that you want to lose weight to stay fit. Thus, your health would the first to be affected, should anything go wrong in the future. Remember that you did not get your bulgy belly overnight. It took several weeks or months to acquire them and so, it will also take that long to get rid of them, or even longer. Those programs that offer immediate results are not healthy so you are best to be wary of them.

The first tip is to program your mind that you need to take those belly fats slowly to attain the body and the health you really wanted. Radical changes will not last long and the effects could be dangerous. Start by doing simple things, like walking a distance every morning, until you are used to it or do some stretching. If you think you are ready to engage into more rigorous activities, then increase the intensity of your exercises.

The second tip is to eat fresh fruits every day. You do not need to stick to one fruit; have another kind of fruit the next day. If you are used to drinking cold water, have some warm water as well. You can swap your sugar with honey and eat cereals or oatmeal as one of your meals. Sweet potatoes are also advisable to give your body some starch. Minimize your intake of dairy products.

The third tip is also very important. You need to enjoy what you are doing. It is useless to engage into something that you do not enjoy. Psychological factors play a great role in losing fats and extra weight. There are times when you find your activities so tiring that you want to quit. If this happens, take a break but never abuse your body.

Some will tend to do the opposite of what they are doing; this is not the healthy way. It would even destroy everything that you already started. You can also research on other tips to lose belly fat and incorporate them into your diet program.

Discover detailed and honest reviews of popular weight and fat loss guides and choose the top fat burning diets that’s most suitable and effective for you!


Egan Cordova asked:

You’ve tried everything to lose belly fat, but nothing you do seems to work. On the contrary, you’re probably getting fatter, even though you seem to be working pretty hard at decreasing your waistline.

What’s going on? You tried the fat loss pills you saw in the infomercials. You bought the abs gadgets that promised you’d lose belly fat by summer. Summer came and went. So did fall, winter, and spring, and back to summer, but still no results.

The problem is that you’re doing it all wrong. You simply have either incomplete or just plain wrong information. If your goal is to lose belly fat, there are 3 things you should never do, and you’re probably doing all of them. Here they are:

1. Don’ listen to infomercials.

Those infomercials you see that promise you’ll lose belly fat create nothing but confusion. They tell you that you will be thin, but you have to buy their fat loss pill. You bought the pill and it never worked.

They tell you that you can lose belly fat, but you have to buy their abs gadget. You bought it, and the infomercial said you could do it while sitting on your couch.

Well, you’ve been sitting on your couch for weeks, using that abs gadget, and still no results. What gives?

The problem is the infomercials themselves, and what they try to pass off as legitimate ways to lose belly fat. Those fat burning pill will get rid of nothing but your money. Those abs gadgets may work your abs, but that does you no good if you still have a layer of fat surrounding them.

2. Don’t do hundreds of sets and reps of abs exercises.

I know what you’re thinking. “How can I lose belly fat if I don’t do 100 crunches per day?”

The answer is that you can’t spot reduce your belly fat away. It’s impossible to just lose fat in your belly area only and not the entire body as a whole–and that’s the key.

In order to lose belly fat, you have to perform exercises that’ll cause your body to burn fat. I’m sorry to break it to you, but no amount of crunches or leg raises will produce the necessary hormonal responses that’ll get the job done.

3. Don’t lose hope.

There’s so much misinformation out there that it’s hard to tell the truth from hype. If you’ve been trying to lose belly fat, and failed, then you were probably following hype.

When people fail too often, they tend to lose hope. Any fat loss success story has its share of failures, and ultimately, success. Those that succeeded didn’t lose hope.

If you’ve been trying to lose belly fat, but have failed so far, you can’t give up. Belly fat loss takes commitment and time. You have to continuously do the things that will cause you to lose fat. Things like eating right, and exercising on a regular basis.

You must change your way of thinking. Don’t take failure to heart and don’t lose hope. Instead, adopt a positive mental attitude towards your goals to lose belly fat that’ll help you to do the things you have to do to lose fat.

There you have it. The 3 biggest things you absolutely must not do when trying to lose belly fat. Don’t listen to the infomercials promising you the world. Don’t try to spot reduce your belly fat by doing endless sets of abs exercises. And most importantly, don’t lose hope.


Tina asked:

Yes Helen! You Can Lose That Belly Fat!

by Tina Struthers

Helen sent in a question about getting rid of belly fat. Since this problem is common among women this time of year, I thought an article might be just the ticket. Please read the following:

It happens every year. We spend all winter eating like there’s no tomorrow and getting very little exercise. Come on. Admit it. You know it’s true. As we get closer to spring we all start looking at our bellies. We know that once summer gets here, a lot of other folks will be looking at our bellies too. AAAKKK! There are only so many new outfits we can buy to try and cover that belly up so let’s get rid of it!

The bad news is there really isn’t a quick way to get our unwanted belly fat, but it can be done. Actually, it’s one of the hardest areas of our bodies to remove the fat from. Why? Your body itself wants it to be there. Your belly is the first and best place to store all the extra fat we’ve accumulated and our bodies are programmed to do this perfectly! After all, the calories from all of those delightful snacks and wonderful desserts we feasted on and haven’t used over the winter need to take up residence somewhere. The belly it is!

The good news is, yes! You can get rid of the belly fat, but you’re not going to get rid of it quickly or easily. Your body wants to hold on to it so you’re going to be in for a fight. You can win… with a help and perseverance! I’ll give you the help, you provide the perseverance. Here’s what you need to do to win the “Battle of the Bulge”.

You’ll need to prepare yourself for a fairly long battle, which is why you need to start working on this right away. You spent all winter (maybe longer) storing your belly fat, so you certainly aren’t going to get rid of it overnight. It’s going to take some consistent and persistent effort on your part.

First of all, say goodbye to the cookies, candies, pastries and all the other goodies until next winter. The last thing we need is to continue with the wanton consumption at the same time we’re trying to get rid of this fat. If you can’t cut down on the calories and eliminate the excessive eating, there isn’t any hope at all. No amount of exercise, no matter how intense, is a substitute for putting yourself on a healthy diet. So. Commit to eliminating the “bad stuff” starting today.

Understanding Fat

It’s important to understand why I’m recommending the exercise program that you are about to read. We need to understand the nature of fat in order to do that. Fat is simply stored energy that the body locks tightly away until it’s needed. In the natural world, fat is used as wintertime fuel for hibernating creatures or as an energy storehouse, just in case the next meal doesn’t come along in the next few days. When a meal is available, any of the excess calories not immediately needed are sent to fat storage. If no food is available for consumption, the energy stored in fat is drawn to meet the body’s metabolic needs.

With the exception of animals getting ready to hibernate, you are not likely to ever see fat critters running around. There’s a certain balance to nature. Nearly everything that is consumed is burned as fuel. Unfortunately for us, we don’t live in the natural world. We live in the unnatural world of food at every turn. We do not hibernate and very few of us worry about whether we’ll be eating another meal in the next few days or not. It’s our tendency to consume more fuel than we can possibly burn, unless we lead an active and highly healthy lifestyle. Hence the fat bellies!

“There is one method, and one method only, for getting rid of fat.”

Since fat is purely an energy storage source, we need to force our bodies to need more energy than we are consuming with our daily food intake. I’m not talking about starvation here, but that will work even though I don’t recommend it at all! The better option is to force our bodies to require more energy through exercise. I do need to tell you that not all exercises are created equal when it comes to getting rid of fat. We will need to strictly focus our attention on exercises that raise our metabolism (create a bodily demand for stored energy). That’s exactly what we’ll be doing with the exercise I’m recommending here.

Without resorting to “drastic measures”, such as liposuction, we’ll need to start off with an exercise routine that really gets our metabolism going. This is a very important point. If we can’t get our metabolism rate up, we’ll never lose the belly fat… period! While we want these exercises to be fairly intense, we don’t want them to be so strenuous that we won’t want to perform them daily.

I’m going to present two different types of exercise programs here that will target the belly fat. The method you choose is entirely up to you. Even though these routines are entirely different, they will both help you to get rid of that belly! So, there’s no need to be concerned that one set of exercises is better than the other. Whichever method you choose, be consistent and above all, persistent. You will win!

Here’s what you are trying to do with either of these exercise programs. There are two parts, regardless the program you select; (1) getting the metabolism going, and (2) burning off the fat. To start burning off the stubborn belly fat you need to first get your metabolism going by fairly intense, yet short, exercise routines. Second, you need to switch to a more steady state cardio routine. Neither of these by themselves will do the job but doing these in combination is a proven method for releasing the fatty acids and then burning them off.

Exercise Plan #1:

Weight Lifting

If you have access to weights, then this is the program for you to follow. Some of you may be fortunate enough to have these at home or have access to weights (or resistance machines) through your local gym or health club. In either case, you’ll want to perform weight exercises on both the upper and lower body during the same session. No. You do not want to do a complete upper and lower body workout routine here. Stick to simple routines that attack the major muscle groups.

I typically do bench presses, overhead presses and maybe even a few overhead pulls. Then switch to your favorite leg routines. Press and curls work well for this. Don’t be a whimp about this. You may need to use more weight than your typical workout routine. The goal is to use as much weight as possible to achieve no more than 6-10 repetitions. You do not need to do multiple sets of these! If you do this correctly, only one set of each routine on both the upper and lower body will be more than enough to get your metabolism moving!


Now that you’ve got your metabolism going, let’s get to the heart of the exercise program… burning off that stubborn fat! At this point, move into your favorite cardio routine. There are literally hundreds of these so I won’t go into discussions about these here.

A good cardio routine is one that elevates your heart rate (to a reasonable level) and one that you can sustain for 20 minutes. Step exercises, walking or even jazzercise will all work well for you. 20 minutes of these exercises, coupled with the exercise routine above, will burn major calories and the fat!

Exercise Plan #2: Without Using Weights

For many of us, using weights and resistance machines simply isn’t an option. Don’t be discouraged! This exercise plan will give you the same results.

Just as with the weight lifting exercise plan, we’ll need to exercise both the upper and lower body during the same session. To work your upper body, I’d suggest using a combination of dips and doorknob pull-ups.

Dips are nothing more than standing between two chairs with your hands on the back of the chairs. Slowly bend your knees and resist the downward motion with your arms. Push yourself back up to the standing position mainly using your arms (and upper body muscles). You may need to do a couple sets of these, 8-10 repetitions each. If you are extremely fit, you can do this exercise with your feet not touching the floor and supporting yourself (and dipping) with your arms only.

Doorknob pull-ups are easy to do but give great results! Stand facing the edge of the door. Grasp each of the doorknobs with your hands and place your feet on opposite sides of the door. Slowly lower your body until your arms are fully outstretched and your knees parallel to the floor. Pull yourself back into the standing position using your arms and back muscles as much as possible. Again, you may need to do a couple of sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Now, on to the lower body. I recommend two exercises here, deep knee bends and lunges.

To do the deep knee bends, stand with your hands on your hips and you feet a shoulder width apart. Slowly lower yourself until your upper legs are parallel to the floor. Press with your legs to return to the standing position. Be sure to keep your back straight and your chin up throughout this motion. Also, breath in on the way down and exhale as you return to the standing position.

Lunges are an excellent all around exercise! Start with your body erect, your feet together and your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right foot while keeping your left foot in place. Lower yourself until your left knee nearly touches the floor. Using only the strength of your right leg, push yourself up and backward into your original standing position. Repeat using the left leg.

(*Note: If you are new to lunges, you can perform this exercise by placing a chair on either side of you. Grasping the backs of the chairs will to help to stabilize yourself and you can then also use your arms with helping to return yourself to the standing position.)

Do two sets of 8-10 repetitions of both the deep knee bends and the lunges.


(The cardio portion is exactly the same as outlined in Exercise Plan #1.)

There you have it! The best routines for ridding yourself of belly fat once and for all. Remember! You’ll need to be realistic about the amount of time it will take to get rid of the fat. The important point is to stick with the routine and be persistent. You can do it!

I’ve been asked many times about how often I should perform these exercises to get the best results. Here’s the mantra. “If you can do it 2 times a day, you should do it 2 times a day.”


You are trying to figure out how to lose belly fat not to mention starting an exercise program to uncover that toned body you once had a few years back. Nonetheless you have absolutely no clue on what to do first or where to look for the best information. Getting started and finding the proper weight loss program is the challenging aspect.

You have most likely looked into or maybe even tried some of the other how to lose belly fat programs out there with negligible or perhaps no progress what so ever even though you feel that you’re executing the newest diet regime correctly. You don’t want a weight loss program that changes the way you live and forces you to eat boring cardboard like diet food.

When We Talk About How To Lose Belly Fat We Must Reduce This

There’s one very big reason, and it’s our biggest enemy with our fight against the bulge. What makes it so hard for us to lose belly fat and get rid of those excess pounds? You’ve heard it before folks…. It’s SUGAR. Yeah, sugar is the # 1 enemy of us not being able to lose weight and getting rid of belly fat. I bet that came as a surprise to all of you (not).

Now when we talk about sugar we don’t just mean sugar from candy treats, cinnamon buns, danish or other types of doughnuts, we mean sugar that comes from the carbs of pasta, white rice, brown breads, fruit juices, so called healthy breakfast cereals and other touted healthy low fat foods. Once these types of foods find their way to your stomach they get converted into glucose and that’s the sugar I’m referring to and when the trouble begins.

(Although, how to lose belly fat and excess weight means you should reduce or eliminate as much sugar from candy and sodas as as well.)

The Role Our Liver Plays On Losing Fat

The liver is the largest organ within our body and plays a very important role in our metabolism as well as other significant functions including glycogen storage and hormone production. Our blood sugar is affected by the foods we eat and after eating all those so called healthy and balanced carbs we get a spike in our blood glucose levels and when those levels are maintained for any length of time the hormone insulin is released in an effort to lower your blood sugar levels. When this occurs your body is basically instructed to store unwanted fat.

Insulin which is very crucial in controlling carbohydrate and fat metabolism in our bodies is produced in the pancreas (in the islets of Langerhans). So, after eating those high GI (Glycemic Index) carbs we get a rapid increase in our blood sugar, then a spike in our insulin in it’s effort to lower our blood sugar levels, then a few hours later when our blood sugar levels have dropped we are once again hungry and begin the roller coaster ride all over again as we reach for that bran muffin to satisfy our belly.

All foods have a Glycemic Index (GI) rating and depending upon the type of carbs we eat our blood sugar (glucose) levels will rise rapidly or slowly. Preventing rapid swings up and down in your blood glucose levels by eating low GI foods will help improve your energy and your bodies ability to get rid fat and lose weight.

OK… Now What? How To Lose Belly Fat With The Right Foods

So, after saying all that what do we eat? We need insulin to control our blood sugar we just need to control it better by consuming better quality foods with a low GI rating if we want to learn how to lose belly fat and get rid of excess weight. Now we know that all carbs are not the same and some are better for us than others. As I mentioned earlier some carbohydrate foods will raise your blood sugar quickly ( due to their high GI rating) and those are the ones we need to limit if not, avoid altogether. We need carbohydrates in order to function but we must try to avoid the High GI foods that spike our insulin and put us in that fat storing stage such as white and brown breads, pasta, fruit juices, instant oatmeal and many others.

Increase your Metabolism With The Right Foods…Burn More Belly Fat

So, how do we increase our metabolism and shed belly fat with the foods we eat? Many of you including myself enjoy breads, but we should eat ones made from rice, spelt, whole grain buckwheat and ground flax, or breads made from sprouted grains all of which taste great. If you are a rice fan use millet or quinoa instead of white or brown rice. Potatoes you say? Sweet potatoes like yams are great just add a dab of butter, a touch of cinnamon and you have a fantastic tasting side dish with all the benefits of fat burning. Vegetables and fruits… you bet, and they are great for keeping your body in that fat burning stage. Can you say “lose belly fat ” BURN BABY BURN!! Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! That’s how to lose belly fat fast, and the right way.

And then there’s good fats versus bad fats, which is another topic altogether. And processed foods, again another topic, suffice to say avoid them at all possible times as they are full of sugar and chemicals. Please feel free to browse other articles on my site to learn more ways on how to lose belly fat.

Eat well and be fit for life,


Tags: how to lose belly fat, lose belly fat


Statistics demonstrated that in 1999 an astonishing 108 million Americans were overweight or obese and would improve their health if they were to shed belly fat . If this obesity trend continues, by the year 2020 the number of overweight men and women will reach epidemic levels. By making folks conscious with the health dangers related to being overweight, this epidemic may possibly be preventable.

The health risks linked to being overweight and having excess belly fat consist of:

1. heart disease
2. stroke
3. diabetes
4. cancer
5. arthritis
6. high blood pressure

Shedding unnecessary body weight and getting rid of belly fat can help to decrease your risk of these kinds of illnesses. Rapid weight loss using the well-known “get thin quick” techniques won’t result in long-term fat reduction. Individuals who have attempted diets which contain dietary beverages, meals, supplements or perhaps pills will tell you they don’t work and the final results are only temporary. Long-term benefits are attained by selecting a wholesome weight loss approach to shed belly fat. Listed below are a few healthy suggestions for getting rid of belly fat and to help lose those extra pounds for life:

How To Shed Belly Fat With These 8 Suggestions

1. Don’t starve yourself.

The best and healthiest method to lose excess weight and shed belly fat is not to diet. Missing meals is just not the proper method to get rid of undesirable belly, buttock or thigh fat. This diet method will not achieve long-term benefits. Our bodies require food to provide us with the vitality needed for every day living. When meals are skipped, the body employs stored calories to generate the required energy as opposed to burning the calories it would have from the missed meal. Deciding to miss breakfast or lunch and just consuming one large meal per day will only contribute to further weight gain especially in problem areas such as the stomach, thighs and buttocks.

We’ve all heard that “breakfast is the most essential meal of the day.” Having a nutritious breakfast gets your metabolism going and allows you to shed belly fat all day long.

3. Eat a smaller amount , eat more frequently and make wholesome meal options.

Instead of consuming three large meals every day, consume five smaller meals a day. Eating smaller frequent meals will prevent consuming too much and help to keep your metabolism stimulated, which will help to burn calories and shed belly fat a lot more quickly.

4. Defining a weight loss target will help you to shed belly fat.

It really is essential to set realistic goals and remember that long-term results come from a wholesome weight loss strategy. Commit to your objective and to eating healthy every single day so you can enjoy far better health for life. I know, some days just won’t work but if you don’t have an objective you can’t commit to anything.

5. Keep hydrated by drinking water.

Our bodies need water for appropriate hydration and health as well as to lose excess fat.

6. Eat much less sugar.

Sugar-based foods including candy, cookies, and pop ought to be occasional treats only. Have much more fruits and vegetables. Select lean meats and foods rich in protein. Carbohydrates like bread, rice and pasta really should be eaten in moderation.

7. Reduce fat consumption.

Eat healthier fats like extra virgin olive oil, canola oil and peanuts. The Omega-3 fat found in fish for instance mackerel, salmon or tuna assists to promote beneficial “heart” health.

8. Get regular exercise.

Regular physical exercise will help to shed that excess fat, increase your energy level and make you feel far better. As opposed to parking close to the shopping mall door, park further away and walk. As an alternative to using the escalator, walk up the stairs. Join a local gym, take an exercise class or take a stroll around the block after dinner. Try to involve some type of exercise every day ( even if it’s just taking the stairs) as part of your healthy weight loss plan.

Regardless of whether you’ve got 5 pounds or 50 pounds to shed, go slow and lose that excess fat for good. Commit to a lifestyle change to eat healthy, exercise, get sufficient sleep and drink plenty of water. These things combined will all boost your chances of obtaining your weight loss goals, getting rid of belly fat and becoming a much healthier you.

Check out these great weight loss and muscle building programs that will help you shed belly fat fast.

Eat well, exercise properly and you will shed belly fat.


Tags: shed belly fat fast, belly fat fast, shed belly fat


Of the best weight loss programs out there, one of my personal favorites is Mike Geary’s The Truth about Six Pack Abs . Mike is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in body fat reduction strategies and functional strength and power training. Some of Mike’s strategies deal with nutrition aspects and others deal with training techniques, but what impressed me was that Mike has put together one of the most comprehensive resources for dealing with all of the aspects necessary to finally get rid of that ugly belly fat for good. Discover the best way to get rid of belly fat by checking out Geary’s Truth About Abs.

Click Here For My Review or click on the banner below to go to the official website of Truth About Abs.

My second personal favorite program on how to lose belly fat is “Turbulence Training For Fat Loss” by Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS, and Author. Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don’t have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise maximum results in only three workouts per week. Learn quick ways to burn belly fat with Craig’s Turbulence Training Program.

Click Here For My Review or click on the banner below to go to the official website of Turbulence Training.

This is my newest review and recommendation

“Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” (BFFM) is a 340 page fat burning success manual in e-book format, jam-packed cover to cover with all the fat loss methods previously known by only by an elite group of top fitness models and bodybuilders.

If you’ve ever cursed those “genetic freaks” who seem to eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce…while you do everything right and still struggle to get rid of the fat around your belly, hips, neck, or thighs… then you’re about to discover their *dirty little secret.*

And the amazing part is… those “metabolic lottery winners” often don’t even know what they’re doing right to stay so thin.

But, fitness expert, Tom Venuto, has figured out a way you can kick your metabolism into high-gear and burn fat like a natural
athlete…no matter where you are starting from right now.

All around the world, thousands of people are calling Burn The Fat their “Fat Loss Bible” because in one place, you now have all the information you’ll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without losing muscle and without using risky and dangerous drugs or expensive and unnecessary supplements.

Click Here For My Review or click on the banner below to go to the official website of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle.

These are 3 of the best weight loss programs I have found on the fastest and easiest ways to get rid of excess weight and ugly stomach fat on the market.

I’ve done the research so check out these great programs that absolutely “kick butt” at getting rid of that excess belly fat and teaching nutritional strategies that really work! Any one of these 3 programs are perfect for anybody who is short on time and is looking for the fastest way to lose belly fat and get back into shape.

Eat well and be fit for life,


The major attributes of weight training consist of becoming leaner, fitter and looking more youthful as one becomes older. Improved metabolism and weight management, decreased tension and depression, protection against the onset of diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.

Numerous individuals have the concept that weight lifting should only be for athletes, or for those who wish to look great at the beach. So what happens to those who wish to lift a 25 pound bag of pet food or the grandparent who wants to be capable of carrying his or her grandchild?

Common Myths Of Weight Training

Amongst the greatest common myths of weight training is the concern about bulking up or getting big, masculine-looking muscles. Muscles do not just happen. It is incredibly tough for guys who want to build large muscles to do so, let alone for ladies who have 1/10th the testosterone of a man. If, simply by working out hard, a woman builds up some muscle size, it’s going to be minimal and often will enhance her figure. Ones amount of testosterone, body/muscle type and hard work at the fitness center is the only way muscle may be increased.

Why Weight Training?

Weight training workouts isn’t necessarily about the outcomes which you see in the mirror. Muscles help support the skeletal system, shield body organs, move the body, assist to keep balance and help regulate your metabolic rate which will help you burn fat as well. The stronger the muscle groups the better the body performs. Muscular strength is vital for the body from appearance to function. Resistance training is seriously pertaining to training hard, building strength and improving the body’s structural stability.

Weight Training Strategy

One of the keys to becoming more muscular is intensity and quality, not quantity. One’s strategy is always to break down the muscle tissue so they can rebuild. Whenever muscle rebuilds, it results in being more powerful and harder. Resting the muscles for 24 – 48 hours following a good work out is essential for the rebuilding process. Consuming protein inside one hour after working out stands out as the building block to muscle repair.

Be cautious that safe practices is utilized in weight training exercise so injury doesn’t occur. Commence gradually, however, with advancement. Good form and technique is crucial for safety as well.

Too many people today continue to be caught up in a decreased amount of resistance even though they could be lifting heavier weight and experiencing more rewards. A great question for a person to pose is, “Is it possible for me raise extra weight, and could I have accomplished it with perfect technique?” On a scale of one to ten, a novice really should be at a five. A veteran weight lifter ought to be able to accomplish an eight and occasionally a ten. A ten would be to failure. You can’t obtain failure on each and every workout, but one should try to be comfortable in reaching a level ten. Don’t compromise form.

Weak efforts create minimal results, however challenging, progressive resistance training workouts boost strength.

Always check with your doctor prior to working out or commencing any weight training.


Do not underestimate the consequences of low calorie diet and the effects it will have on your overall well-being. When you restrict your caloric intake so it is very low, many changes take place within your body such as being thrown into starvation mode. Unless you are stranded on a deserted island with limited food, you do not want to put your body into a starvation diet just to lose weight or get rid of that ugly belly fat.

Being on very low calorie diet where you are reducing your food intake to almost (and in some cases) starvation mode, your body can start to get it’s energy not only from excess fat stores but also from your muscles as well as your internal organs.

A Low Calorie Diet Will Slow Your Metabolic Rate

By severely reducing your caloric intake you can cause your metabolism to slowdown by 20-30% and as much as 45%! That explains why you can eat less and still not loss any weight. Your metabolic rate has slowed down because you aren’t eating enough while on a very low calorie diet. The thyroid gland helps regulate your basal metabolic rate ,(how fast you burn calories while at rest) and when you reduce your calories the active thyroid hormone (T3) is also reduced, thereby burning fewer calories as well.

Muscle Loss With A Very Low Calorie Diet

If your body goes into starvation mode on a very restricted low calorie diet it will look for ways to conserve energy. One way it does this is to convert lean tissue into energy. Muscle tissue is easily converted into energy by the body when in a starvation mode, so by going on a very low calorie diet you can also lose muscle. Muscle burns calories, so muscle loss is not acceptable. It’s a vicious cycle.

Weight Gain After A Low Calorie Diet

The frustrations of being on a low calorie diet are numerous. You hit that plateau where you just can’t seem to lose any more weight, so you cut back even more on your food intake, you are always hungry, you have a lack of energy, your metabolism, it seems has come to a screeching halt and still, your not losing any weight. So what do we do? We start to eat normally again and the weight comes flying back on so fast it makes our heads spin. Why??? Our slower metabolism is now geared for a lot less calories, so weight gain is almost enevitable. This is a yo-yo diet and is very unhealthy. The more yo-yo dieting we do the less efficient our metabolism becomes and the easier it is to gain weight.

Tom Venuto author of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle shows you how to avoid these pitfalls and explains in black and white what you need to do in order to lose weight, gain muscle and be fit for life.

Anyone looking for a quick fix solution to fat loss, anyone looking to be told fairy-tales, and anyone looking for a “magic bullet” offered by the likes of body wraps, fat burning pills, diet shakes, or “fat-burning” creams and gels might be best advised to steer clear of Burn the Fat.

On the other hand, anyone tired of “spinning their wheels” going nowhere, who wants the truth about fat loss and who is ready and willing to put in the hard work and discipline and make the lifestyle changes necessary to get a fat free body, will find Burn The Fat to be one of the best investments they ever made in their lives. And whatever you do, avoid a low calorie diet.

Eat well and be fit for life,


Well, consider some of the following reasons below as to why you should include physical exercise as part of your regular routine.

Americans spend more than $600 billion dollars per year for health care. That equals almost $3,000 for every single person in the whole population of the country. Sadly, this financial commitment has shown no signs of any decrease, nor has it produced fully acceptable results with regard to treating a wide variety of chronic health problems. Attempts have been made to identify the factors which have been major contributions to the epidemic of medical problems in our society today and a number of probable reasons for why so many people are so seemingly unhealthy have been named as; poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor health habits (i.e. smoking).

At the same time, studies have been done to see what, if anything can be done to lower either the number or the severity of the medical problems affecting the public. These studies have shown some convincing evidence that exercise has substantial medical benefits for people of all ages. Two of the most publicized efforts to investigate the possible link between physical exercise and disease were longitudinal studies, each of which used more than 10,000 subjects.

Some years ago, in a study of 17,000 Harvard graduates, Ralph Paffenbarger, M.D., found that men who expended 300 calories per day, the equivalent of walking briskly for 45 minutes, reduced their death rates from all causes by 28% and lived an average of two years longer than their sedentary former classmates.

A more recent study conducted by Steven Blair, P.E.D., of the Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas documented the fact that a relatively moderate amount of exercise has a significant effect on the mortality rate of both men and women. The data was adjusted for age differences between subjects in an eight year study of 13,344 individuals and the conclusion was that the higher the fitness level, the lower the death rate. An analysis of the data yielded by both studies suggests one conclusion…physical exercise is medicine!

Regular Physical Exercise And The Role It Plays

Accepting the idea that regular exercise can play an important role in reducing your risk of incurring a medical problem and reducing your overall health care costs is a critical step. While listing all of the medical problems and conditions that can be at least partially treated and controlled by exercise would be very extensive, here are a few of the most significant health concerns and the manner in which physical exercise is thought to help in each case.

Allergies: physicalexercise is one of the body’s most efficient ways to control nasal congestion. Angina: regular aerobic exercise dilates vessels, increasing blood flow, thereby improving your body’s ability to extract oxygen from the bloodstream.

(weight loss exercise class from ninahale)

Anxiety: exercise triggers the release of mood-altering chemicals in the brain. Arthritis: by making the skeletal joints move, exercise induces the manufacture of synovial fluid and helps to distribute it over the cartilage and to force it to circulate throughout the joint space.

Back pain: physical exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles.

Cholesterol: physicalexercise will raise your HDL (the good cholesterol) in the blood and lower your LDL levels, the bad cholesterol.

Diabetes: exercise helps lower excess blood sugar levels and improves your circulation . Heart disease: exercise, by lowering your body fat, lowering your LDL levels, decreasing your blood pressure, lowering your heart rate and increasing heart and lung efficiency, lowers your risk of heart problems.

Knee problems: physicalexercise helps strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the knee making it more able to withstand stress.

Menstrual problems and PMS: exercise helps to control the hormonal imbalances often associated with PMS by increasing the release of beta-endorphins.

Osteoporosis: physicalexercise promotes bone density, lowering the risk of suffering a bone fracture.

Overweight problems: physical exercise suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolic rate, burns belly fat and increases lean muscle mass.

So, are the benefits really worth the effort? Should you make exercise a part of your lifestyle? Absolutely! As you can see, in many ways, your life may depend on regular physical exercise.


Well, consider some of the following reasons below as to why you should include physical exercise as part of your regular routine.

Americans spend more than $600 billion dollars per year for health care. That equals almost $3,000 for every single person in the whole population of the country. Sadly, this financial commitment has shown no signs of any decrease, nor has it produced fully acceptable results with regard to treating a wide variety of chronic health problems. Attempts have been made to identify the factors which have been major contributions to the epidemic of medical problems in our society today and a number of probable reasons for why so many people are so seemingly unhealthy have been named as; poor eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor health habits (i.e. smoking).

At the same time, studies have been done to see what, if anything can be done to lower either the number or the severity of the medical problems affecting the public. These studies have shown some convincing evidence that exercise has substantial medical benefits for people of all ages. Two of the most publicized efforts to investigate the possible link between physical exercise and disease were longitudinal studies, each of which used more than 10,000 subjects.

Some years ago, in a study of 17,000 Harvard graduates, Ralph Paffenbarger, M.D., found that men who expended 300 calories per day, the equivalent of walking briskly for 45 minutes, reduced their death rates from all causes by 28% and lived an average of two years longer than their sedentary former classmates.

A more recent study conducted by Steven Blair, P.E.D., of the Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas documented the fact that a relatively moderate amount of exercise has a significant effect on the mortality rate of both men and women. The data was adjusted for age differences between subjects in an eight year study of 13,344 individuals and the conclusion was that the higher the fitness level, the lower the death rate. An analysis of the data yielded by both studies suggests one conclusion…physical exercise is medicine!

Regular Physical Exercise And The Role It Plays

Accepting the idea that regular exercise can play an important role in reducing your risk of incurring a medical problem and reducing your overall health care costs is a critical step. While listing all of the medical problems and conditions that can be at least partially treated and controlled by exercise would be very extensive, here are a few of the most significant health concerns and the manner in which physical exercise is thought to help in each case.

Allergies: physicalexercise is one of the body’s most efficient ways to control nasal congestion. Angina: regular aerobic exercise dilates vessels, increasing blood flow, thereby improving your body’s ability to extract oxygen from the bloodstream.

(weight loss exercise class from ninahale)

Anxiety: exercise triggers the release of mood-altering chemicals in the brain. Arthritis: by making the skeletal joints move, exercise induces the manufacture of synovial fluid and helps to distribute it over the cartilage and to force it to circulate throughout the joint space.

Back pain: physical exercise helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the lower back muscles.

Cholesterol: physicalexercise will raise your HDL (the good cholesterol) in the blood and lower your LDL levels, the bad cholesterol.

Diabetes: exercise helps lower excess blood sugar levels and improves your circulation . Heart disease: exercise, by lowering your body fat, lowering your LDL levels, decreasing your blood pressure, lowering your heart rate and increasing heart and lung efficiency, lowers your risk of heart problems.

Knee problems: physicalexercise helps strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the knee making it more able to withstand stress.

Menstrual problems and PMS: exercise helps to control the hormonal imbalances often associated with PMS by increasing the release of beta-endorphins.

Osteoporosis: physicalexercise promotes bone density, lowering the risk of suffering a bone fracture.

Overweight problems: physical exercise suppresses your appetite, increases your metabolic rate, burns belly fat and increases lean muscle mass.

So, are the benefits really worth the effort? Should you make exercise a part of your lifestyle? Absolutely! As you can see, in many ways, your life may depend on regular physical exercise.


Enter your name and email address to download The Fat Loss Factor

Over the past eighteen months I’ve been on a quest to find a lifestyle that reduces my stress level and makes me feel good about the world around me – dreamy I know. I would like that elusive harmony to extend to my body – the belly fat part more than anything else. I want to look better as well as feel less stressed.

That’s also an important part of feeling healthily in control of life.

But back to the belly fat. It’s hard to accept that weight gain is inevitable, something that I can’t get control over – but plenty of people let the fat creep on. I’m no exception, even though I exercise all the time. Finally, though,I seem to be burning the belly fat, and fast.

In fact my search fr an effective diet has been going on for a decade and for five years of that time I had my own half acre organic garden. But growing food didn’t help me to eat less of it. By effective I don’t just mean weight reduction. I mean a diet that makes me feel good too.

Here are five things that are working:

#Gluten free

I’ve log know grains make me feel bloated and weighty. Now I’ve given them up and it has had a quick, beneficial impact.

Going gluten free has given me a really big boost at the start of my diet. Gluten-free foods often contain higher calorie starches than non-gluten free, so the logic here is a bit perverse.

However, as soon as I stopped eating gluten my digestive system began feeling a whole lot better. I was less bloated within two days and the difference in my shape gave a boost and a lot of determination.

When I think of belly fat I think of that bulging shape and remarkably a lot of it has gone.

As I said earlier I am gluten sensitive though not celiac. The effect of gluten can be that you get less nutrients from food. I believe my digestion is improving and am not craving more calories. I’m at least a thousand calories a day down on what I ate daily a month ago.

# Dairy free

It might sound strange or even faddish to throw dairy-free in there too but dairy contains casein, and casein behaves in much the same way as gluten. It has in the past been used as a glue. I can’t digest it. It makes me bloat out. It has gone the way of gluten, out of my diet for good. One effect of that is no chocolate, which used to be a big stand-by for me when I inevitably felt hungry soon after meals.

#More sour tastes

For years I’ve bee a fan of sour and bitter tastes When I used to write about food I often remarked on how the western diet and the way we cook predisposes us to sweet tastes – we tend to cook in ways that bring out the sweetness of foods. Well for centuries humans had to content themselves with the our tastes of fermented food like yoghurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and pickles. And of course Asian cuisine often combines sweet with sour.

Even wine used to have a healthy sour zip to it – but few wineries will deliver that to your taste buds now.

Where I can I eat or drink sour or bitter just so that my taste buds don’t get fixated on sweet, so I try to drink bitter lemon, tonic, add tamarind to food, eat sauerkraut once a week and so on. Because I am dairy free I can’t eat yoghurts but I do intend moving back to a goat’s milk yoghurt after two months.

# The big meal at lunch

I’ve also taken to eating my largest meal at lunch time, giving me most of the day to digest it and burn it off. I don’t do dinner any more. I don’t to restaurants so much and, if I do, I prefer them at lunch. For dinner I snack lightly, which is helping me to sleep a little better. It also means I feel hungry quite often in the morning so I am tending to eat a bigger breakfast. Most of my eating is done by 2.00pm.

# No fruit juices

Finally I have given up on fruit juices, though I do take a smoothie here and there but only if it has stomach friendly ingredients like mango and ginger. I guess in the past I added three or hour hundred calories a day to my diet in orange juices and smoothies that are so convenient from the supermarket.

The way I look at it now is that I’m no longer pouring things into my stomach that I don’t digest well and fruit juices have no saliva down there with them – because I cannot chew a fruit juice.

That’s how I’ve started to get a grip of my belly fat problem. I have better posture, less bloating, and less fat. Though it’s a beginning. Only 5 kilos so far but in under three weeks.

What’s more, I’m beginning to feel in control of my body again, after a long time away from it. I’d be interested in your experiences and tips.


Enter your name and email address to download The Fat Loss Factor

Being overweight can lead to obesity. Obesity is a physical condition which leads to many health complications like type-2 diabetes. As per a recent study, two third of the individuals will suffer from obesity. Obesity has the capability to increase the health issues or may also reduce the life of an individual. Obese individuals are pruned to various health complications like cardiac arrest, type-2 diabetes and also certain type of cancers. The rate of obesity has doubled during past years. There are many factors which are responsible for causing obesity.

This Article

Improved My Health
Changed My Life
Saved My Life
How Obesity Is Caused?
The Obesity is generally caused by,
• Excessive intake of food than the required
• No physical activity
• Genetic disorders
• Psychiatric illness
• Due to medication
• Slow metabolism

Excessive Intake of Food
An individual has excess weight due to his imbalance in metabolism. If he consumes more calorie food and spent less in burning them, the unspent calorie in the body accumulates and forms fat in the body. This type of lifestyle is degrading the health of an individual.

No Physical Activity
During olden days people used to have much physical activity as the technology was not like as these days. These days many people are leading a sedentary lifestyle, and with decline in consumption of fresh foods like fruits, vegetables and increase in the consumption of meat, soda.
No physical activity is being performed.

Genetic Disorders
Due to genes, the people can get obese and are also pruned to type-2 diabetes. This type of obesity is generally a hereditary one, which passes from previous generation to the offspring’s.

Psychiatric illness
People with depression tend to eat more, which makes them obese. The medication and slow metabolism can also make a person obese.

Effective Ways for Weight Loss
The Obesity can be treated by both the natural weight loss supplements and weight loss products available in the market.
• Natural Weight Loss Supplements
• Weight Loss Products

Natural Weight Loss Supplements:
The nature has gifted mankind with many naturally available weight loss supplements like hoodia, green tea, green mango etc. Using of these natural weight loss supplements can decrease the weight on a prolonged use. There are no side effects using these naturally available weight loss supplements. Hoodia is available in Kalahari Desert which is often used by the natives as an appetite suppressant. The main drawback of natural weight loss supplements is its prolonged usage. To obtain a best result, one has to use a longer period. Such kind of people who believe in fast results can opt to weight loss products available in market.

Weight Loss Products:
There are many weight loss products to choose around. They all claim to perform the task in their unique way. But knowing the right product which is suitable for your body to lose weight is an issue. This problem arises as every product created for weight loss isn’t equal. Every product has some unique qualities as a weight loss product. Some may burn fat, some may be appetite suppressants, some have stimulants, and some are carbohydrate blockers.

Always be alert on your weight. If you have gained weight, do not panic. The Obesity can be treated by both natural weight loss supplements andweight loss products available around. If any individual wants to have an effective way for weight loss, they can opt for the weight loss products available around them. Wise decision will be choosing the right product which suits them for shedding their weight.


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Toilets That Fill Slowly

Toilets that fill slowly are usually in need of a new ballcock. It is sometimes possible to adjust an existing ballcock to increase its flow rate, but replacement is usually the most logical course of action. A crimped supply tube can cause a toilet to fill slowly. Every now and then a supply tube is hit with a mop or kicked to a point that it crimps. These occasions are rare, but they do happen. Don’t neglect to inspect the closet supply when troubleshooting for the reason a toilet is filling slowly. The cutoff valve under a toilet should always be checked to prove that it is in a full-open position. It is possible that debris has gotten into the stop valve or the supply tube. To check for this, disconnect the ballcock nut and check the water pressure at the top of the closet supply tube. If it is inadequate, remove the supply tube and see what the pressure is like at the valve. If you are still experiencing low pressure, look to the water distribution piping.

If a toilet is supplied with water from a galvanized steel water pipe, there is a good chance the water distribution pipe will need to be replaced. Galvanized pipe tends to rust and clog up with age. To determine if the problem is in the distribution pipe, all you have to do is remove the stop valve and check the pressure at the end of the water pipe. Be careful not to flood the bathroom when conducting this test. To avoid flooding, have an assistant standing by the main water cutoff to quickly turn the water on and off’. You won’t need much time to see how much water shoots out of the pipe. If you have to work alone, you can loosen the stop valve until water sprays out around the connection between the valve and pipe. By doing this you can tighten the connection quickly and keep the water spillage to a minimum.

Call us 24 hours 7 days a week for fast toilet plumbing repairs in San Antonio at our toll-free number:


With the nuіѕanсe that а lеаky faucet brings, аnd the гiԁісulously hіgh costs of plumbing wогkѕ, it is imperative you leагn hоw to fіx а leaky faucet bу youгself. Gone агe the days wheге yоu have tо call up a plumber anԁ ѕtаrе wide-еyeԁ upon the геcеipt оf а bіllіng. All you hаvе to dо is fоllоw these simple anԁ eаsy to unԁеrѕtаnԁ steps in fixіng a leаkу faucet.

Foг as long aѕ уou have thе гіght tools аnԁ matегіаls, leагnіng how to fiх a leаky faucet can be verу easy. Τhe bаѕic matегials anԁ tools thаt yоu’ll nеeԁ will comprise mainly оf а new washer (gеt onе that is ѕuited to the type оf faucet уou have at home), ѕоme гаgѕ, a wrench, and a ѕсгewԁгiveг.

Вut before you start рullіng уоur faucet apart, tuгn оff the main water ѕupрlу first. This can be ԁоne by turning the ѕhutоff ог cоntгоl ѵalѵe counter-сlоckwise (off). Ӏf yоu don’t know whеrе your соntгоl ѵalvе is, уou can try looking under the sink and tracing thе pipes.

Othег than thаt, уou also have tо plug uр the drain wіth thе uѕe of гags. Βy doing so, yоu are ргеvеnting smаll parts lіkе washer and screws tо gо ԁоwn the ԁгaіn.

Оnсe that is ассomрliѕheԁ, уоu сan now ѕtaгt repairing the leaky faucet. Βut fiгѕt, bе іnfогmеԁ that thesе ѕtерѕ should be follоwed only when уou have a соnѵеntіоnal faucet. Οther unсоnѵеntiоnаl faucets might bе mоre complicated, аnԁ you might usе ѕреcific гераіr kits fог it.

1. Juѕt below the hаndlе, wheге thе faucet stеm is аttаcheԁ to thе wаter pipe, іs а nut. Uѕе a wrеnch to twіѕt thе nut counterclockwise tо remоvе іt. Тuгn the hаndlе counterclockwise untіl you arе able to геmоvе it completely.

2. Оnсе уоu have ԁetacheԁ the handle, уou wіll see а rubbег-lіkе washer thаt iѕ hеld down by a ѕcгеw. This waѕher іs probably ѵeгy old and falling dоwn to рiесеs, whiсh cоulԁ be the reaѕon whу уouг faucet is lеakіng іn the first plасe. Rеmоѵe the оld wаѕhеr bу unscrewing іt, anԁ then inѕtаll the nеw washer. Rеmеmbeг that the new waѕheг’s size should јuѕt bе similar to that of thе оlԁ waѕheг. Тighten thе scrеwѕ on the new wаsher to secure іt іn plaсe.

3. Reаѕѕеmblе eѵeгуthing. Rерlасе the faucet hanԁlе (tuгn іt clосkwiѕe), and tighten back the stem nut to itѕ оriginаl locаtiоn.

4. Dо thе chеckіng. Тurn thе water bасk оn and seе if thе faucet still lеаkѕ. ӏf it stіll is, еitheг уou need to ѕcrew things mоrе tightlу or, уou need to buy a nеw faucet rаthег thаn a nеw wаshеr. Аnԁ if all еlse fаilѕ, seek professional help аnd call а plumber.

Аnԁ there theу arе – еaѕу to follow and ѕіmрlе ѕtерѕ that wіll guiԁe you аbоut hоw tо fіх a leaky faucet. Now уоu can do it by yourself! Τheге’ѕ no nееԁ for уоu to call a plumber, ог even your handy nеighboг to help уоu агоund a lеakу faucet. Вy ԁоing іt yourself, уоu fгеe yourself fгоm iгritating dripping sоunԁѕ, nasty sink ѕtаіnѕ bгоught upon by long-ѕtandіng drips, аnԁ water wаstage due tо constant drіррing. Put thеѕе steps сlоѕe to your hеart аnԁ уоu will neѵer bе in ԁiѕtrеsѕ аgаin.


Mоst оf us thiank thаt toilet inѕtallation іѕ something thаt’ѕ best left to the ргоfеsѕionаlѕ. Thiѕ is рагtiаlly true- іf уоu don’t have thе tіme thеn it’s prоbаblу betteг to allow a ргofesѕiоnаl tо do the job foг уou. But іf you ԁо have ѕomе tіmе on yоur handѕ and are willіng to invеst some effort іn а good house ргојесt, installing a toilet іѕ а great place to start. Ӏn fасt, уоu can have оnе іnѕtallеԁ with а few easу steps.

What You Will Νеeԁ

Fігѕt of all, yоu nеeԁ to gеt уouг tools аnd mаteгiаls ready bеforе уоu start thе inѕtallаtiоn process. Ϻоѕt toilets will соmе with all the paгts you need- in any case; уоu’ll rеquіге а toilet gаѕket as well аѕ 5/16 іnсh bоltѕ to lоck thе toilet dоwn. If yоu’ге rерlаcіng аn old toilet with a new one, гemоѵе thе old оne by shutting off thе wаter ѕuррlу and flushіng thе toilet. Rеmоѵе any excess water wіth a bucket. Оn thе bоttom of the tank on the lеft siԁe, yоu’ll fіnԁ a nut that аttасhеѕ thе water line to the ball cock ѵаlѵе- гemovе thiѕ. You’ll аlѕо neеԁ to remove the twо bоlts that lосk thе toilet tо the floor.

Οnсе this is done, ϳuѕt lіft the toilet uр. Оn the floor, уоu’ll nоtіcе a circular flange- thіs іs wherе your new toilet wіll be mounted. Ρut the 5/16 inch boltѕ in thе holes wіth the heads on the іnsіdе, so that theу are straіght anԁ opposite оf еасh other. Ρlасe the nеw toilet gаskеt on the flаngе with the flаt side pоіntіng up. Now уou juѕt have to put the new toilet оn the flаnge so the bоltѕ соmе up at the гіght places. Apрly ѕоme pгeѕѕure ѕo that the gаѕkеt mаkеѕ a seal tо mоunt the toilet оn thе floor.

Τime Fог Lосk Down

Тhе next рагt of your toilet іnѕtаllаtіоn is bаѕiсаlly locking the toilet іntо place. Үou’ll nееd to tighten thе bоltѕ with wаshегѕ and nutѕ but bе careful- оѵег tіghtеnіng will cause thе bowl to сгack. You ѕhоulԁ just get the bоltѕ tо be snugly tightenеd. Νow you’ll nееԁ to іnstаll thе tank- for thіѕ, уou’ll nееԁ to push іn thе mounting boltѕ аt the bottоm, lіke уоu did with thе flange. Іn thіѕ case, уou’ll need to place гubber washers to еnѕuге а tight fit. Рlaсе a sponge rubbeг gаsket оѵеr thе ԁisсhargе tubе- thіѕ іs whеre thе tank and the bоwl meet. Маke ѕuгe thе gasket iѕ ѕecuгelу sеt anԁ the bоlts аrе thrеaԁed through thе right holеs. Тіghten thеse wіth waѕhers and bоltѕ- іf рosѕible, get sоmeоnе to holԁ the tаnk tіghtly down ѕo you саn bоlt in snugly.

Νоw yоu nееd to рut іn one of the most іmроrtаnt parts of toilet іnѕtаllаtіоn- thе toilet hаnԁlе. Remember theѕе are threaded in гeѵегsе.

Nехt, connect the flарреr and chain inside the tаnk. Οnce thiѕ іѕ dоne, уоu’гe геаԁy to аttаch the toilet liԁ to thе bоwl. Тhеге ѕhоulԁ bе a wаtеr line геаdу to go into the underside оf the tank- сonnеct this anԁ then tuгn on the wаtег. Keep аn eуе out fог leaks, and thеn flush the toilet а few timeѕ.

Ӏf the bowl геtаіns water wіth nо problems, уou’ге reaԁy tо bolt thе bоwl to the flоог. ӏf there are ѕоmе ѕhakеѕ, yоu саn usе rubbеr shims to stаbilіzе things. Оnсе yоu’ve bоlted down the bоwl, сut the еnԁs оf the bоlts and рut the plastic caps оn them. Ρuttіng some caulking arоunԁ thе base of thе bowl is аlѕо a goоԁ idea, as іt offеrs an extra wаtег-ргооf ѕhiеld as wеll аs extra stability.

Тhаt’s аbout it! Yоur toilet іnѕtallatiоn iѕ now cоmplеtе. As уоu сan ѕеe, іt really juѕt requires a lіttlе patіеncе, ѕоmе very baѕiс tоolѕ and a lіttle bіt of know-how.


Рeорle оftеn fіnԁ that thеy do not want to tackle common plumbing ргoblems for fear of crеating a ԁiѕaѕtег. Wаtег сan do ѕеѵеrе dаmage to а hоuѕе іn no time at all, whіch mау be whу plumbегs stay buѕy year rounԁ. Υet manу problems cаn benefit fгоm а ѕіmрlе hоme plumbing reраir, wіthоut thе ехpеnѕe of calling for plumbing helр from аn еxpert.

Аnоthеr reason mаnу choose not to taсklе thіѕ houѕеhold јоb is that plumbing repairs cаn be very fгuѕtгаting. Наѵе уоu ever tried to fix something іn your home only tо find thаt the рагt you need is nоt аѵаіlable locally? This frеquently happеns when your home hаs оldег plumbing fixtures.

But don’t let anу of thiѕ stoр уоu. Іf уоu have just а mіnoг problem, уоu can fix іt in very littlе time. Аnԁ thе satisfaction of а homе maіntеnаnсе / гераіr ϳоb well ԁоnе сannot be matchеԁ.

Ϲоntinuоuѕlу Runnіng Toilet

А toilet thаt runs non-stop is ѵеrу annoying. Υеt, for sоmе reaѕon, many home оwnегѕ ԁon’t know hоw to stор the pгоblеm once аnd for all. We have all hеaгԁ that јіgglіng the handle will ѕtор water from running, but that is only a temporary solutіоn.

Τheге іs a pегmanent solution thаt аnyоnе can handlе. Reрlаcе the flaррeг valve, whiсh іѕ located at thе bоttоm of the tank, аnd thе water wіll stop гunning. Мanу fіnԁ that this home plumbing геpаіг саn be соmplеtеԁ іn under an hour, even with а quick triр to get a rеplасеment рart.

Dгippіng Fаucеt

Εѵеn more annоуing than a гunnіng toilet is a ԁriррing faucet, еѕресіаllу if thе fаuсеt іѕ loсаteԁ in your kitchen оr other maіn living аrеa. The сauѕе of thе ԁгіp oг leak іѕ most likely а washer thаt hаs worn out over tіme frоm frequеnt use.

Ηоw manу times ԁо we turn a faucet оn every ԁаy? This cauѕеѕ a great ԁeal of weаr аnԁ tear, but all that іs геquiгеd tо ѕtop thе drip is а simple wаѕhег or сaгtгіԁge сhаnge. ӏt is sоmetimеs еaѕіeг tо герlаcе the whole cartridge аѕ it contains o-гingѕ which maу also be wоrn. This also еnѕurеѕ your faucet will орегatе аt top performance.

Lоw Water Prеsѕuге

Lоw water ргеsѕuгe is almost аѕ annoying аѕ no water at аll, yеt а fix for thiѕ ргоblеm іs ѵеry simple. Uѕuallу, уоu will ϳuѕt neеd to reрlaсе the aeratоr or cap at thе еnd of the faucet spоut. Thіѕ fixture becomes cloggeԁ fог a number of геаѕоnѕ, and аll thаt уоu neеԁ to do is unѕсгеw the aerator and replace it. Nоthing could bе simрler.

Үоu can trу tо clean the aerаtor, but theу aren’t very eхрenѕive, so уou may just want to buу а rерlacеment. Ϻаke ѕurе tо takе the old onе with уou to thе ѕtoге, ѕо you knоw you’vе purchаsed the rіght one bеfoге heaԁіng hоmе.


Веfогe doing аnу plumbing repairs, makе sure you turn the water off. Ιf уоu ԁо not, your ѕmаll problem саn quickly bесоme a muсh largег one. Alѕo, make sure that water has not rеасhеd any elеctгicаl fіхtures before doing wогk оn plumbing. Тhіѕ can bе deadly, ѕо yоu ΜUSТ take this ргecautіоn. But don’t let thіѕ dеteг yоu fгоm tаckling а hоmе plumbing reраіг.
